My OH arrived back from tour on Sunday. After an emotional reunion at the airport, fuelled by a few too many BBC2 Sunday Love Songs on route, we headed back to our new home.
This was the first time he had been back to the village under the guise of official resident since moving to London nearly ten years ago. He always manages to be abroad when we move house and only gets back after everything is unpacked, unwrapped and in full working order, but that’s another story. After an even lovelier reunion with Holly, we headed round to see the OH’s brother and his family, and enjoy a few drinks in the afternoon sunshine.
The men decided more beer was required (I also slipped in an ice-cream request) and they headed off to the local Co-op with Holly in tow, she wouldn’t let her Dad out of her sight just in case he disappeared again.
The men and Holly returned, swag in hand.
OH: “You’ll never guess who we just bumped into!”
Me: “Who – you’ve seen a friend already, that’s great!” The move was more my idea than his, so I jump on anything that might sell it that little bit more
OH: “My ex!” Add sniggering and nervous glances from brother
I should point out at this stage that we have been together for 13 years. We have bought a flat together, have a child together and are as sure as anyone can be that we’re in it forever.
Me: “Oh right, how funny that she’s the very first person you bump into – she must have been visiting her family??”
OH: “No, she lives in the village too!”
This woman has always unnerved me. There was no funny business involved in us getting together, no cheating – clean slate. But during the early years the ex made quite a few unexpected appearances and was source of plenty of drama. Throw in a few random phone calls and I became very wary and she became a bit of a nemesis.
To give my OH credit he looked a bit rattled. Me on the other hand lost the power of logical thought and turned slightly psychotic.
Questions I asked that I’m not proud of:
• Is she skinny?
• Is she blonde?
• Did she look good?
• Did you kiss her?
• Did Holly smile at her?
• Are you going to start having an affair and leave me?
I was so upset I couldn’t eat my ice cream. I couldn’t be fat, my diet started instantly. She literally lives 15 doors away. I can’t go to the Co-op again. Drama. Is this village big enough for the both of us?
Oh bless that sounds like a nightmare for you, Just be rest assured that you have your beautiful little girl to share and that's a unique bond that no-one else will ever have!
ReplyDeleteOh bloody hell (I imagine worse has been muttered). Obviously you are committed and as you say, have a lovely little one so I think you know you don't have anything to worry about. You just need to work out your approach. Ignore her (unlikely in a small village and it makes an issue of "it"), befriend her - best way to take the mystery away and break down barriers, or.... ensure you have very loud sex (perhaps twice), with the windows open on a still night (babysitter may be in order due to loudness). Sound can really travel on a still night you know......
ReplyDeleteReally pleased to have found your blog, good luck in your new home. I'm sure you'll have found your feet and be soon galloping in a new direction that suits you all x
That sounds like a complete nightmare, try not to let it bother you too much..! It also sounds like a time for more icecream, not less! Emma