
Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New Found Hate: The Phonetic Alphabet

We've just moved house and as a result I seem to be constantly on the phone to banks, council departments, energy companies and assorted service providers to inform them of our change of address.

I have a short fuse.  I can go from one to 10, in terms of anger/frustration levels, very quickly. Fact, ask my sisters! In recent weeks I have found that nothing irritates me more than the use of the phonetic alphabet by customer service departments.  All that Alpha, Bravo and Foxtrot crap sends me a little stir crazy. 

I'm number dyslexic, dialling phone numbers is not my greatest skill, I am reasonably ok in the spelling department, but when people start shouting my name back at me, very quickly, using the phonetic alphabet I get very confused and agree to ridiculous things.  I have a stupid surname anyway, but things go from bad to worse.

Bravo, Lima, Indigo, November, Kilo, Hotel, Oscar, Romeo, November!! 

I've found myself rebelling, making up my own references just to confuse them, - Frazzle, Ketchup, One, Five - Eight, Hummus, Dalmatian (Post Code).

Pointless, but it amuses me and helps makes this tedious task a little less soul destroying.


  1. Love it! I always throw it back at them! Xylophone Xenophobic Aeronautical Macrobiotic Eustachian Caviar Venison! (Okay, I know that doesn't spell anything, but you get the idea...)

  2. I get the idea and I am glad that I'm not alone!

  3. Good one. I'm going to start that too. A is for anchovy, B is for bald...

  4. haha. I found your site after Googling "I hate the phonetic alphabet" my coworker I can hear is on the phone giving out a serial number and he just has to use the phonetic alphabet which reminded me how much i hate it when I hear it or when people insist on using it. Usually, when they repeat the phonetic, I then repeat the line but only the way that I prefer..using the alphabet only!
