
Friday, 8 April 2011

Daddy Comes Home

Paul is due home on Sunday, he's been on tour in the US with a new band since February. I've spent this week wishing the days away, I only allow myself to start counting down during the final few days. More often than not dates get changed, flights get cancelled or musicians do stupid things with their passports.

Already the 'I'm home for a month' statement has been changed to 'I've been offered another gig'.  I'm not complaining (much), I know he wants to be off for a month and that when your self-employed you can't turn down well paid work. I suspect there is more bad news to come, he asked me to email through a list of anything I would like from duty free.

I always try to be understanding, I feel more pressure to be 'fine' with everything now that I'm not bringing in a wage. I finished working at the end of last year. My overdraft is growing and my savings disappearing. 

My new plan is to set up my own small freelance PR business, doing what I love and what I'm good at.  It's going to take time to get going and time to make money - so I guess I'm going to have to be really understanding over the next few months!

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate in a "we're supposed to shut our mouths and silently support darling hubby while he provides for the family because certainly he'd rather be with us" kind of way. But it still sucks. Until you realize that there is value to evenings without makeup, in really old clothes, playing on the Wii. (do they sell that at duty free?) x
